Friday, January 13, 2017

puisi hati: mencari diri

Well... here is the story of a soul

Happiness no more
that feeling to hide or to tell
miserable and guilty combined well

But...look who in charge?
Let decide
-Do WHAT makes you happy
-Be WITH who makes you smile
and be positive.

Whatever you decide to do
make sure it makes you happy.
"treat yourself as a queen
and you'll attract a king".

...because happiness is an inside job
then over thinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness!

As you get older you find out
that true happiness is not... how much you make or many degrees you have or big your house is or fancy your car is.

It's finding peace and joy and calmness in your life
that will soon become the most important thing to you.

Your family is what matter to you
LOVE is what matter to you
things that are of the quality not of quantity.

Don't look for happiness

You can't change how people treat you or
what they say about you.
All you can do is change HOW you react to them.

Life is full of choices...
and today I am choosing happiness

Fate doesn't decide -  I Do! the end of the day, I am at peace.. because my intentions are good and my heart is pure.
At the end, people will judge you anyway, so don't live your life impressing others.

Live your life impressing yourself.

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